Mama was born in Birmingham in 1934. She is the third child and second daughter of four children. She grew up during the Great Depression. They didn''t have much. Her daddy was the only one in the family who had a job. Everybody moved in with them - aunts, uncles, and grandparents. When all was said and done there were thirteen people living in their home on one income. Needless to say, her childhood was a little crowded and chaotic. Things improved a good bit when she was in high school. The Depression was over and times were good. Mama moved in with her mother's sister so she could attend high school where her aunt taught Algebra. She loved school and was a good student. Mama has always been quiet and shy. She had a few really close friends that she would do things with. On the weekends, she and her girlfriends would catch a bus and go downtown to the YWCA to a place called Calico Corner. There were five area high schools in Birmingham back in those days. Calico Corners was the place where all the teens came together. They had a blast. It was there that my mother met my father. They began dating in their senior year.

After graduation, my parents both went to college at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now known as Auburn University, in Auburn, Alabama. Mama's family couldn't really afford the tuition so she dropped out after the first year. She and Daddy were so in love that they didn't want to wait for Daddy to graduate to get married. They married in 1955. In 1957, Daddy graduated and my brother Steve was born. My parents moved back to Birmingham and I was born three years later.

My parents have had a pretty traditional marriage. Mama was always at home. I can't even begin to say how much I appreciate that. I always felt safe knowing that she would be there when I got home from school. I know at times it couldn't have been easy. She did everything for us. I honestly don't know what I would have done over the years without my mother. She has gone far above and beyond the call of duty of motherhood. She has always been there for me in every way imaginable. I have been truly blessed.
