My Daughter
Kristin was born in 1986.
She is my youngest child and only girl.
She has been the center of attention
every where she goes
since the day she was born.
Kristin was born with a head full of red hair.
I can remember people coming from all over the
to see the red headed baby.
She caused quite a stir.
When she was two
we took the kids on vacation to Florida.
I bought her a bathing suit that looked
just like the little animal skin outfit that
Pebbles of The Fintstones always wore.
I put her hair up on top of her head.
She looked just like Pebbles.
Strangers came up to us on the beach
every day and took pictures of her.
She was such a beautiful child
and has grown into a gorgeous young lady.
Kristin became a daddy's girl the day she was born.
They took to each other like bees to honey.
She was three when her father and I divorced.
It was very difficult on her.
She turned to the parent that she had left at home and since then we have been close.
She still has a close relationship with her father but she and I are like best friends.
I don't know what I would do without my girl. She has become the center of my life.
I am trying to prepare myself for the day when she goes off to college.
Kristin has always been strong willed and outspoken.
She has a great deal of ambition and is good at everything she does.
She has always been an 'A' student.
I feel that I have been very blessed to have her as my daughter and Adam as my son.
They are nothing alike but are very close to each other and with me.
It has been just the three of us for the majority of their lives.
It hasn't always been easy but it has made us a very tight and loving family.


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